Speaking of Political Prosecutions…

Well, for those of you who were wondering if the corruption case against, “Celebrity pathologist Cyril Wecht” was politically motivated, the fact 24 of the counts filed against Wecht involve the sum of $3.06.

Nope….Not missing a decimal point. Three dollars and six cents. Not three hundred dollars, not three millions, three dollars.

Nope, nothing political here.

He had some people working for both his private practice, and for the county, and this is a Federal case, because he is a Democrat.

The crux of their case:

Wilson noted the work of Eileen Young, who was Wecht’s top administrative aide in the coroner’s office. Despite being paid a county salary, Wilson said Young spent the bulk of her time in the county office as “office manager” for Wecht’s private practice.

Wilson said the evidence showed that, for 2004 alone, the correspondence Young mailed or faxed brought $790,000 in revenues to Wecht’s private practice.

So, Wilson might have made some faxes or phone calls on county time, and they are literally trying to make a federal case out of this.

This is the sort of thing where the local DA gets him removed, and he gets a fine, if it’s true.

I’m still trying to get my head around the whole concept of “celebrity pathologist” thing though.

I really don’t want to know what a “celebrity proctologist” is.

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