Climb Down on Latin American Tensions

Venezuela has reopened its embassy in Columbia

This is another example how Bush and His Evil Minions have poisoned counterterrorism operations. Before Bush and his attempts to overthrow and murder Chavez and his invasion of Iraq, this would have been a major diplomatic incident, bit you would not have seen a mobilization on the borders.

There are legitimate “hot pursuit” situations, though this increasingly appears not to have been one, and I’m expecting a Sy Hersh article in the next week or so casting doubt on the provenance of the laptops “captured” in the operation.

Some facts are clear though.

  • The FARC is a terrorist organization that is not much more than organized crime with a veneer of politics.
  • Chavez is a pompous jerk and a lousy leader.
  • As bad as Chavez is, the political classes of Venezuela are all considerably worse.
  • Mending the relationship with Chavez may be one of the bigger challenges facing Bush’s successor, unless it’s McCain, in which case, he’ll invade.

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