Did Lack Of Regulation Cause This Mess?

Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analysis: Did Lack Of Regulation Cause This Mess?


This has been another episode of stupid answers to stupid questions.

But Mike “Mish” Shedlock seems to think that it’s the FDIC which has caused all thi, because no one would have put a dime into countrywide in 2004 if not for the FDIC insurance, which created a moral hazard allowing people to place their money at risk, despite the fact that in 2004, Countrywide was golden with soaring stock.

Additionally, most of the money that Countrywide to bury itself was not the sub $100k investments of ordinary account holders. It was many times that from Wall Street investors, who had no guarantee at all, even for the first $100K.

This is mindless Randroid Objectivist claptrap, and it is actually the purveyors of this mindless Randroid Objectivist claptrap, most notably Alan Greenspan, who has never passed up an opportunity to deregulate a market, or to bail out a major capitalist bigwig, who created this mess.

Mr. Shedlock is therefore wanker of the day.

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