Political Scriptures: Hillary 43:21

This is going to be an infrequent feature of my blog, basically, whenever the muse grabs me:

Hillary 43:21

Yes, and she will be like an avenging angel unto the Republicans, and she shall smite them, and yea verily, they shall cry out, and retreateth to the bathroom stalls, where they shall tappeth their feet.

Yea though they get down upon their knees, the Republicans shallst not be offering homage to God, but shall be doing geometric things to each other, and they shall proclaimeth that they not beith gay, but rather that a great misunderstanding hath overtaken them.

Yea verily, they shall declare, we have turned over a new leaf, just as soon as we shall get to the bottom of the page.

Have I mentioned that I’m going to hell for this?

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