My Condolences to the People of Pennsylvania

With her victories in Ohio and Texas, Hillary Clinton is in through Pennsylvania, which means that he national political press is descending on your state like flies on……bad analogy, I do not mean to insult the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I used to live there.

How about Piranhas on a swimming cow…Better.

That being said, I have two thoughts, first that this is good, not bad, for the Democrats, the only major news that McCain can get from now until the Democratic nominee is decided is going to be bad news (the lobbyist thing and the bigot Hagee), while the Dems have a platform to put forward their ideas to an engaged publid.

My second thought is that I agree with Terry McCauliffe: Mark Penn should STFU. With every success, it’s Penn’s campaign, with every failure, he’s just an adviser.

I have to argue that his $10 million in fees has been money poorly spent.

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