On My Google Ads

I just glanced at my ads on the left hand column of my blog, and I noticed a little text ad from Humanevents.com talking about “Barack Obama Exposed”.

Let me reiterate: I do not vet my ads. Their appearance on my blog does not indicate any sort of endorsement by me.

The folks at Human Events are seriously delusional right wingers and their publication is six pounds of fertilizer in a five pound bag.

While I am not Obama’s greatest fan, I do not subscribe to the insane right wing smears from folks like this.

So, you can ignore the ad, or you could click on it, which would generate around a nickel of revenue for me and cost them some money, or you could leave and never come back.

I think that the first option is probably the most mature.

As to where the proceeds go, and at the rate I’m going I’ll get my first check around 2011, they will go to things like beer (or Slivovitz) for me, or taking my wife out to dinner.

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