Economics Update: Real Estate Edition

Swiss banking giant UBS is looking at a $26.6 billion exposure to toxic mortgates, in addition to whatever hit that they might take on subprime, so these are A and alt-A mortgages. It reported a loss of $11 billion in Q4.

In the Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex, foreclosure postings are up 27%, effecting 13,000+ residences, an all time record. The scary quote is, “Out of the homes posted, at least 20 percent are underwater and probably more” .

And everyone’s favorite subprime whipping boy, Countrywide Financial, has had delinquencies rise to 7.47%. That’s about one out of every 14 loans that is delinquent, which is clearly unsustainable.

If banks had to consider this rate of delinquencies as a normal cost of business, mortgage rates would probably be in excess of 12% just to break even.

It now looks like Royal Bank of Scotland is the latest institution in line to see significant losses from mortgage backed securities.

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