Telethon For Democrats Without Balls, FISA Edition

Really. I’m serious.

Here is Harry Reid, getting ready to completely capitulate on civil rights protection and telco immunity in the FISA update.

I should note that once again, Chris Dodd is excluded from my approbiation, as he is still threatening a filibuster on telco immunity.

Glenn Greenwald nails it:

Here we have a perfect expression of the most self-destructive Democratic disease which they seem unable to cure. More than anything, they fear looking ‘weak.’ To avoid this, they ‘cave’ and surrender and capitulate and stand for nothing. As a result, they are, as here, endlessly described in the media as ‘caving’ and surrendering. As a result, they look (and are) weak. It’s a self-destructive cycle that has no end.

I want my party back.

How about we try voodoo to raise Harry S Truman and Lyndon Baines Johnson from the grave, and send them to Congress to bitch slap Reid and Pelosi.

It’s like throwing away an impeachment investigation, even as just a technique to extract documents, because it trumps executive privilege.


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