Sympathy for The Devil Willard “Mitt” Romney


Let’s be clear. This was not tough questioning. It was heckling.

Of course, wankers like Ana Marie Cox approve of this behavior and see it as laudable.

Mitt Romney has volunteers who are lobbiests, but they are not paid staff, like a number of other candidates, including McCain.

In fact, McCain got stenography when he said that tathat tax cuts always raise revenues (not true since Kennedy lowered the max marginal rate from over 90% to 70%), but The New Republic, that bastion of fabulists from Glass to Shalit to Siegel, has to call out the New York Times on its stenography.

It will be very interesting to see what will happen if Hillary and Mitt win, how on earth will the kule kidz make up their minds when they hate both candidates?

Maybe they’ll all become cheerleaders for Mr. Bloomberg.

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