John Solomon Comes Home…To the Moonie Times

John Solomon has been appointed executive editor of the Moonie Washington Times.

As to why this is coming home, Talking Points Memo has the definitive word, “Here’s what one former colleague of Solomon’s said last week: ‘I worked [X] years in the same office as Solomon, sometimes with him. The consensus: he’s lazy, and takes hit jobs handed him on a platter by opps research teams (and anyone will do.) And doesn’t do much to clean it up. I also know one of his fave and frequent sources is Barbara Comstock, former DOJ spxwoman and GOP attack dog.'”

In the Washington Post announcement of this move, he currently works for the Post, Mr. Solomon, ever the complete tool, says, “It’s going to be about being fair and balanced“. Straight out of Fox News.

BTW, if you want a rundown on a few of his misdeeds, Think Progress has the scoop.

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