The Best Slashdot Post Ever

You can read it, in all of its awfulness, here, in a discussion of a professor who bemoans the fact that students are learning Java, as opposed to “real” computer languages.

University should be about people (Score:2, Funny)
by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 08, @03:22AM (#21951018)

I’m concerned about the narrowm view of the world IT people and engineers have these days. I think the problem starts at college – There’s a culture that somehow science is more rational and usefull then the humanitities. Lecturers encourage students to joke about arts students, and humilaite them whenever possible. This encourages eliteism, and I for one am sick of it.

Let’s tell it like it is. ‘science’ is just as much about opinion as the humanities. Research simply follows the fad of the day. Take dieticians for example. These men and woman believe that just because they have degree in medical science that they are all knowing. Why, what they recommend one day may kill you the next! (see the DDT story for more information.) Science is 95% opinion then facts, lets face it. What about astrology, the most rediculious of the sciences! But I degress

Another example is music. We know what sounds good. Everyone agreed that Valves for instance sound great. But knowitall engineers use trensastors with inferious sound quality just to save a few bucks. They argue with numbers. Hey, I don’t want to do maths just to listen to music. I know what I like. You cannot apply objective reasoning to a subject which is intristically subjective. But try telling those recent grads with their useless piece of paper that and they go all

The problem with you technical guys are that you are all so eliteist. Whilst you want to trun collage into a trade school with yore narrow minded views that collage should be a job training centre, Humanities are focused on making you a well rounded person who is actually interesting to be with, not a boringfocused geek. Really, it makes me so mad when people say “oh, he’s doing a humanities degree, that’s easy”. I have to read *3* *books* *a* *week* on average. Not picture books either I assue you. It is a lot of work, but the upshot is improved grammer and spelling skills that are lacking in the technical. As for those that say “you will be working at mcdonalds” , I’m going on to so a PhD in socialolgy where I’ll be line for tenure where I have a much more rewarding job then being a science freak or an engineer. Anyways, all I have to do to be a engineer wold be to get my MSCE and how hard couyld that be? Technical stuff is simply whatever fad the market thinks is hot at the moment, but all great things were done by humanities.

You technical types are far to narrow minded and cynsical. You should learn to enjoy life.

Peace be to god, he transcends all.

Ummmm….Amazing. I’ve marked all the misspellings, and least I think that I did.

Three whole books a week, huh…I’m so impressed.

FWIW, I am a product of two liberal arts majors, my dad did sociology/city planning, and my mom did English, but started in mathematics.

I respect the social sciences.

I just don’t respect this particular social scientist.

Spectacular self-ownage.

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