The MSM Speaks the Truth

Yes, Jay Carney intends it to be a joke, but he ‘s really dead serious.

It really is all about them, at for them, so they love McCain because he is accessible, and because he gave them lots of free booze in 2000.

Waiting, and Complaining

Another reason to dislike the caucuses: we can’t spend the whole day of the vote calling and emailing and texting each other to find out the latest (deeply flawed) exit poll numbers. Instead, we have to sit around and wait until Iowans finish their dinners and trudge to their local church basement or middle school gymnasium, where, after milling around for a while, they’ll declare their presidential preference. We won’t have any results until something like 9 pm EST for the Republicans, 10 or 11 pm for the Democrats. And then the results we do get will be accurate! I mean, where’s the fun in that?

The thing is, he thinks that he’s making a funny, but this is what they really think.

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