Al Wynn: Case in Point of What is Wrong in Washington

Below, you can see Pelosi’s endorsement of him.

So has the national NARAL, though the Maryland Chapter was so mad about this they were ready to chew glass.

Al Wynn foted for the war in Iraq, he voted for the bankruptcy bill, against Shays-Meehan campaign finance, for interfering in the Schiavo affair, and for the give away to big oil that was the energy bill.

This incumbency protection racket here is insane. This is probably the second most Democratic district in the state, Baltimore City may very well be the most Democratic district on the Eastern seaboard, and the idea that a corrupt right wing liar gets high profile endorsements simply astonishes me. Particularly since his constituent service sucks so much that Chris Van Hollen from the neighboring district has to pick up the slack.

Edwards is on my Act Blue page (right hand column for link).

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