Conservative in Maryland Finds That His S-Chip Vote is Not Playing Well

Out in Western and Northern Maryland (Maryland has seriously Gerrymandered districts), the Congressman is Rosco G. (the Neanderthal) Bartlett, who is generally (he’s a realist on global warming) to the right of Atilla the Hun.

This is a rather conservative region in Maryland, and so when he voted against S-Chip, I rather imagine that he thought that it would play well there. It appears that he was wrong

“The war does not divide Roscoe from this district,” said Ms. Dougherty, a Democrat who was the mayor of Frederick from 2002 to 2006. “But S-chip is a Main Street issue. It affects family after family — our family health, our family’s pocketbook, and our grandchildren. All politics is local, and this is a local issue.”

If you live in Bartlett’s district, call his office, and tell him to vote for the override.

I might that you look at Andrew Duck for Congress. He ran against Bartlett in the last cycle, and he did reasonably well with absolutely no support from the DCCC or other national Democratic orgs.

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