India-US Nuke Deal Off For Now

Thank God!

The US-India civilian nuclear deal was supported by Bush and His Evil Minions because it was a big wet kiss (and no small subsidy to) the American civilian nuclear industry.

It cemented India’s position as a nuclear power, and in so doing stoked the fire of the nuclear arms race between India and Pakistan, and as I’ve said before, (see also here), this accellerates Pakistan’s program, and makes the loss of one or more weapons during civil unrest (Pakistan is in some ways bordering on being a failed state) to lord knows who.

Thank you to the Indian Communist party* for apparrently killing this deal. Manmohan Singh, the Indian Prime Minister has apparently killed the deal for now.

*One of the joys of the Bush and His Evil Minions is that on at least a weekly basis I am saying things, at least to myself, that I would
never have thought possible.

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