Quote of the Day: From Hillary Clinton

The New Yorker has an essay on Hillary Clinton’s laugh, they find it genuine, but they quote this little gem from Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.’s journals:

In later entries, Schlesinger writes of Hillary’s “charm and humor” and her “infectious joie de vivre.” But it must be said that she doesn’t always laugh, even when something’s funny. In 1998, at the height of the Full Monica, Schlesinger, then eighty-one years old, is seated next to the First Lady at a formal White House dinner celebrating the National Humanities Medals, one of which he has just been awarded. They’re having a jolly, dishy time—she’s “very easy to talk to”—when Arthur gets a little too expansive:

I made the point that the liberals had stood by Clinton while the DLC [Democratic Leadership Council] people had deserted him and described the miserable [Senator Joseph I.] Lieberman as a “sanctimonious prick.” Hillary said, “Well, he is certainly sanctimonious,” but showed no eagerness to pursue this line of thought.

(emphasis mine)
Of course Lieberman is no prick. A prick has a head.

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