Schadenfreude: Echos of Duke Cunningham

Brent Wilkes’ lawyer Mark Geragos had previously thrown around bogus subpoenas at about a dozen members of congress, who promptly had the house lawyer to pound sand, but it looks like this time Wilkes’ lawyer is actually targeting representatives who have ties to him. They are all Republicans.

His defense is going to be, “I didn’t bribe anyone, I was shaken down.”

Wilkes to Target Five Pols for Testimony
Even though Geragos dropped the initial subpoenas, he told reporters later that he planned to file new ones against former House Speaker U.S. Rep. Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., and California Republican Reps. John Doolittle, Duncan Hunter, Darrell Issa and Jerry Lewis.

The substance of Wilkes’ defense is that he was not bribing people, but he was being shaken down by members of Congress, and these 5 guys flew on Wilkes’ plane, and ate at his dinner, so their testimony is relevant.

Pass the popcorn.

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