What Rox Populi Said: Journamalism

She has a good post taking just one quote of Andrew Glass, a particularly brain-dead journamalist working for the Politico1.

I would add one thing though, which that good Ms. Populi misses, that Glass screws up on his Swiss neutrality analogy.

He likes to think that the Swiss are a bunch of chocolate and cuckoo clock making people holding hands and singing “Kumbaya”. They aren’t, and they never were.

They gained national identity when they were the most feared mercenaries in Europe. They were not neutral, they were rented for a fee.

Following the abolition of merc armies, they became aggressively neutral, building an impressive citizen army, mobilizing their population, and shooting and capturing anything that crossed their borders.

They had no territorial ambitions, but they were people that you did not want to f$#% with.

1But I’m repeating myself.

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