Is the NSA Screwing With the Net?

Many of you have only a vague knowlege of the 1988 Internet Worm.

I was not on the net at the time, but a number of friends and relatives were. It took down the net.

It was launched by Robert T. Morris, III. Of note is the fact that RTM, Jr., his father, was chief scientist of the National Security Agency’s National Computer Security Center at the time.

It’s a thing that makes you go hmmm, as in, do federal agencies have back doors written into critical software on the net to cripple it on an as needed basis?

A glitch in the Matrix, or a hungry exploit?
By Sûnnet Beskerming
Published Saturday 30th June 2007 23:37 GMT

Sûnnet Beskerming researchers observed an interesting deviation in global network traffic over the last 24 hours, particularly for South American, Asian, and Australian networks. Normally, global Internet traffic (as observed by the Internet Traffic Report) oscillates around nine per cent packet loss, with global response times of 138 ms, and the internally derived traffic index at around 79.

Sustained over the last 24 hours, the traffic index has dipped almost five per cent, packet loss has climbed to 11 per cent, and the global response time to almost 150 ms.

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