News Flash, Harvard Graduates a Complete Moron

Let us just say that the writers at the Register are more deliciously snarkalicious than I ever could be.

Phyllis Schlafley, you raised a moron.

Need hard facts? Try Conservapedia

By Lester Haines
Published Wednesday 20th June 2007 10:50 GMT

The Wikipedians among you should take note that your days of punting liberal bias may be numbered. Enter stage right Conservapedia, a “conservative encyclopedia you can trust”, which has been enjoying a certain amount of attention stateside for its unashamedly and decidedly non-liberal content.

Conservapedia (Motto: “The truth shall set you free”) is the brainchild of Andy Schlafly, who was moved to act when “teaching a history class to home-schooled teens” and confronted with the term “BCE”, or “before the common era”, in one student’s assignment. “Where did that come from?” he asked, only to receive the chilling reply: “Wikipedia.”

At this moment, according to the LA Times, Schlafly “knew he had to act”. While Wikipedia was “written and edited by self-appointed experts worldwide” and “riddled with liberal bias”, it was also drier than a nun’s chuff in the Jesus Christ Our Lord department.

Brits, meanwhile, will doubtless enjoy the entry on our very own Iron Lady, described as “a strong supporter of the the United States”, who was “a good friend of President Ronald Reagan”, and who united with him “in actions against the Communists”. Whether the latter is a reference to Nicaragua’s Sandinista government or the National Union of Mineworkers is not noted.

You have to love the snark on Maggie.

The Stegosaurus, for example, was “a dinosaur with plates on its back and spines on its tail”. The entry continues: “Some creationists believe the spines on its tail were to stop other dinosaurs from treading on it before the Fall.”

Hmmm. Here’s more:

Young Earth Creationists believe, based primarily on Biblical sources, that dinosaurs were created on day 6 of the creation week, approximately 6,000 years ago, along with other land animals, and therefore co-existed with humans. As such, they reject the Theory of Evolution and the beliefs of evolutionary scientists about the age of the earth.


We at El Reg are looking forward to the final, Ragnarök ( confrontation between Conservapedia, RationalWiki and Wikipedia. The outcome of this titanic battle will be decided by either natural selection or according to God’s will, depending on which one of them is really telling the truth.

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