Picture: Saab Gripen fires first IRIS-T air-to-air missile-18/06/2007-London-Flightglobal.com

Everything I’ve read about the new Sidewinder, the AIM-9X implies that it’s hot stuff.

The seeker may be very good, but it has a 5″ diameter missile body, and is competing against missiles with 6″ missile bodies, like the IRIS-T, ASRAAM, Python 5, and Vympel R-73 (AA-11 Archer).

It has to have inferior kinematics to these missiles.

Picture: Saab Gripen fires first IRIS-T air-to-air
By Craig Hoyle

Saab conducted the first test firing of a Diehl BGT Defence IRIS-T short-range air-to-air missile from a Gripen fighter over Sweden’s Vidsel test range on 12 June, during the 6,000th test flight of a JAS39.

Involving high-speed weapon release from a JAS39B test aircraft flying at around 2,000ft (610m), the unguided test was “a complete success”, says Saab test pilot Fredrik Müchler.


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