Technical Pranks

Stuff like this is why The Register is on my link list.

It’s kind of like Mad Magazine for tech nerds.

Fancy some hot buttered storage?
Bringing new meaning to pop-ups
By Lucy Sherriff
Published Monday 18th June 2007 12:00 GMT

Competition It is a Monday, and we’re all looking at another five days of miserable toil before the glory of the weekend beckons once more. We can’t do much about that, but how’s this for a way to ease the pain of a new week?

Reg reader Alan Howlett sent us word of a very silly tech prank, and we’ve decided to turn it into a competition. As you read on, keep in mind that there will be a test at the end.

Over to Alan:

I bought a Synology DS-207 Network-Attached-Storage (NAS) device and it arrived yesterday. I have set it up as the primary file server for my office and am totally in love with it. It’s fantastic- it does nearly everything our Windows 2000 Server PC did…

Yes, yes. you like your new shiny bit of kit. Enough eulogising, and on with the story, please…

Is it a toaster? Is it a NAS? Too many questions…

It does, however, look like a toaster and I have been informally calling it “the toaster” in the office.

Anyway, I had also bought an actual toaster that arrived on the same day. The real toaster has some slots on the top, and the synology has lights, but apart from that they are very similar.


Here’s the test: can you do any better? In a Jackass-meets-BOFH style contest, we want to see photographic evidence of silly stuff like this.

You can kind of see where this is going.

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