US Arming Sunni Insurgents In Iraq

What is going on here is desparation as the situation collapses faster than the World Trade Centers did on September 11, 2001.

Gen. Petraeus concerned about US arming insurgents

06/17/2007 @ 11:34 am
Filed by David Edwards and Josh Catone

On Fox News Sunday General David H. Petraeus expressed concern about the new US plan to arm Iraqi Sunnis who promise only to fight al Qaeda.

“How do you know, or do you worry, that they are going to end up using those weapons to either attack US forces or to fight their civil war against the Shiites?” asked host Chris Wallace.

“Those are legitimate concerns,” replied Petraeus, but said that the US was taking precautions to prevent that from happening.

The Iraqi government has strongly objected to to the US strategy of arming Sunni insurgents. In a Newsweek interview published Saturday, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki blasted that strategy, saying that it “will create new militias.”


BTW, the reason that al-Maliki objects is because it’s HIS militias, particularly those in Iraqi security forces uniforms, and not al Sadr’s that are engaging in most of the ethnic cleansing, and he is afraid that this will become more difficult because of arming the Sunnis.

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