CIA ran secret prisons for detainees in Europe, says inquiry

Whoopie. We have gulags. I want my country back.

Impeach Dick Cheney Now. Impeach George Bush Tomorrow.

CIA ran secret prisons for detainees in Europe, says inquiry
Stephen Grey

Friday June 8, 2007
The Guardian

The CIA operated secret prisons in Europe where terrorism suspects could be interrogated and were allegedly tortured, an official inquiry will conclude today.

Despite denials by their governments, senior Polish and Romanian security officials have confirmed to the Council of Europe that their countries were used to hold some of America’s most important prisoners captured after 9/11 in secret.

None of the prisoners had access to the Red Cross and many were subject to what George Bush has called the CIA’s ‘enhanced’ interrogation, which critics have condemned as torture. Although suspicions about the secret CIA prisons have existed for more than a year, the council’s report, seen by the Guardian, appears to offer the first concrete evidence. It also details the prisons’ operations and the identities of some of the prisoners.”


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