Damned Frivelous Lawsuits

Once again, the right wing shows how it’s all about rules for thee, but not for me.

Suing over a bruise on your butt? Hypocrite.

Washington Wire – WSJ.com : Bork Files Slip-and-Fall Lawsuit

Our colleagues at WSJ.com’s Law Blog report on a lawsuit filed by Robert H. Bork against the Yale Club: One-time Supreme Court nominee Bork is suing New York’s Yale Club for $1 million, alleging he was injured when he fell at an event there last June. “When it was his turn to deliver remarks to the audience, Mr. Bork approached the dais,” the lawsuit said. “Because of the unreasonable height of the dais, without stairs or a handrail, Mr. Bork fell backwards as he attempted to mount the dais, striking his left leg on the side of the dais and striking his head on a heat register.” Bork, 80 years old, suffered a large hematoma in his lower left leg as a result of the fall, according to the lawsuit. Read more and comment at Law Blog.

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