We expect this page to change often as we add features and fix bugs related to the package. Check back often.
I'm planning on dropping support for INN versions less than 2.2. 2.2 should have many new reader features (which I'm working on adding now) which will allow an administrator to run the gizmo with no patches to INN, but modifying it to run without patches will require massive changes to gizmo internals. The current version of the gizmo will continue to work with INN versions between 1.4unoff4 and 1.7.2.
In related news, I'll soon be changing the current implementation of the gizmo from a C patch to nnrpd to a perl filter. This should make extension much easier, and will make it easier to merge the INN version with the Typhoon 'post-filter' version.
These changes will invalidate most of the web site. The feature set should remain the same, but the configuration, and the how of the gizmo, will probably be nearly unrecognizable.