The dpjoin man page

     dpjoin - make DP initializations


     int dpjoin(path, semantic, semsize, hostid)
     char *path, *semantic;
     int  *semsize, *hostid;

     Any UNIX(r) process other than those created by an  existent
     DP  process  may  join  in  a DP process pool, provided that
     there is already a DP process running on the host  and  that
     the process has called dpinvite() to set up a contact file.

     dpjoin() is the DP function to call for a running UNIX  pro-
     cess to enroll as a DP process.  It performs functions simi-
     lar to those done by dpinit().  The major difference between
     the  two  calls  is that dpjoin() sets up its DP environment
     according  to  the  content  of  the  contact  file  whereas
     dpinit() does necessary preparations from messages sent over
     by the spawning process.  A process that calls dpjoin()  may
     not  call  dpinit()  (since  a  joiner  does not have a true

     path is the name (absolute or relative) of the contact file;
     it's  application-dependent.   semantic  is  a  pointer to a
     buffer in which dpjoin() returns the semantic string of size
     semsize.  In  hostid  is  returned  the  entry number of the
     current host in the host table inherited  from  the  contact

     Upon success, dpjoin() returns the number of  hosts  in  the
     host  table.   If  any error occurs, the process will simply
     exit to system.

     This is a DP function call.

     David Arnow

     /usr/include/dp/dp.h - DP header file
     /usr/lib/libdp.a     - DP library file

     dpinvite(3DP), dpinit(3DP), dpgetpid(3DP)

Essential DP MAN Pages:


Non-Interrupting Messages:

Interrupting Messages:
  • dpblock
  • dpcatchmsg
  • dpgetmsg
  • dppause
  • dpunblock

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