The DP MAN Pages

This page and its links are Web versions of the DP man pages:


Non-Interrupting Messages:

Interrupting Messages:


     dp - overview of the DP system and its documentation

     The DP package consists of several libraries for C and  For-
     tran 77 programs, along with a number of useful utilities.

     The C libraries are:
          dp   -- basic process spawning and message sending

          xdp  -- a simplified version of DP that does NOT
                    support dynamic process creation (but IS
                    compatible with earlier versions of DP).

          stddp     -- a higher-level interface to dp: supports TYPED
                    messages and provides basic synchronization
                    (for example CSP style) that DP does not.

     The fortran analogs of these libraries are: fdp, fxdp, and fsdp.
     The name of each routine in these libraries starts with a standard
     prefix. The prefixes are dp, xdp, sdp, fdp, fxdp and fsdp. Besides
     man pages for each of the routines in these libraries, the headers
     are available as "dpheader", "xdpheader", "sdpheader", etc.

     The most important of the dp routines are (assuming
     non-interrupting messages only):
          dpinit - make DP initializations
          dpspawn - spawn a DP process
          dpwrite - send a DP message encoded in a byte string
          dprecv - receive synchronous DP messages
          dpgetpid - get current DP process's id
          dpexit - terminate current DP process

     For sending and receiving interrupting messages, the important dp routines are:
          dpgetmsg - receive asynchronous DP messages
          dpblock - disable DP-related system signals
          dpcatchmsg - set asynchronous DP message handler
          dppause - set alarm function and pause for a signal
          dpunblock - enable DP-related system signals
          dpblock - disable DP-related system signals

     The full list of the documented routines is:

          dpaddhost dpblock dpcall dpcatchmsg dpexit dpgethost dpgetmsg
          dpgetpid dphtonid dphtonint dpinit dpinvite dpjoin dpntohid
          dpntohint dppause dprecv dpsend dpsetexfun dpspawn dpstop
          dpunblock dpwrite

          xdpblock xdpcall xdpcatchmsg xdpexit xdpgetmsg xdpgetpid
          xdpinit xdppause xdprecv xdpsend xdpsetexfun xdpunblock xdpwrite

          sdpcatch sdpexit sdpgetpid sdpinit sdprecv sdpsend sdpspawn

          fdpaddhost fdpblock fdpcall fdpcatchmsg fdpexit fdpgethost
          fdpgetmsg fdpgetpid fdphtonid fdphtonint fdpinit fdpinvite
          fdpjoin fdpntohid fdpntohint fdppause fdprecv fdpsendint
          fdpsendxxx fdpsetexfun fdpspawn fdpstop fdpunblock fdpwrite

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