0877730474 (alternate edtn.) Tassajara cooking.Introd. by Richard Baker-roshi. TX837 .B86 1973
0877733201 (pbk.) :$9.95(alternate edtn.) The Chinese art of tea /John Blofeld. GT2907.C6 B58 1985
0878511024 Cosmo cookery; gourmet meals from the first drink to the last kiss. TX715 .C849
0881921661(alternate edtn.) Advances in new crops :proceedings of the First National Symposium NEW CROPS, Research, Development, Economics, Indianapolis, Indiana, October 23-26, 1988 /edited by Jules Janick and James E. Simon. SB160 .N38 1988
0886875234 (pbk.) :$14.95(alternate edtn.) Kitchen culture :fifty years of food fads /Gerry Schremp. TX645 .S36 1991
0886875242 (hard) :$24.95(alternate edtn.) Kitchen culture :fifty years of food fads /Gerry Schremp. TX645 .S36 1991
0895940523 :$12.95(alternate edtn.) The spice box :vegetarian Indian cookbook /by Manju Shivraj Singh ; edited by Edna Z. Michael. TX724.5.I4 S496 1981
0895940531 (pbk.) :$6.95(alternate edtn.) The spice box :vegetarian Indian cookbook /by Manju Shivraj Singh ; edited by Edna Z. Michael. TX724.5.I4 S496 1981
0896470202 :$29.95(alternate edtn.) The art of Indian vegetarian cooking :Lord Krishna's cuisine /Yamuna Devi ; illustrations by David Baird. TX837 .Y35 1987
0898154286 :$14.95 The great chile book /by Mark Miller with John Harrisson ; photographs by Lois Ellen Frank. TX803.P46 M56 1991
0898155630 :$15.95(alternate edtn.) Classic Thai cuisine /David Thompson. TX724.5.T5 T49 1993
0898156289(alternate edtn.) Charlie Trotter's /recipes by Charlie Trotter ; photography by Tim Turner ; wine notes by Joseph Spellman, Ren�e-Nicole Kubin, Patricia Mowen. TX714 .T77 1994
0898158389 Charlie Trotter's vegetables /recipes by Charlie Trotter ; photograph by Tim Turner ; wine notes by Joseph Spellman. TX801 .T74 1996
0899191738 :$12.95(alternate edtn.) Third helpings /Calvin Trillin. TX357 .T7 1983
0907325793 Food on the move :proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, 1996 /edited by Harlan Walker. TX345 .O94 1997
0911469036 (pbk.) :$12.95(alternate edtn.) Stalking the wild asparagus /by Euell Gibbons ; with illustrations by Margaret F. Schroeder ; including a remembrance of the author by John McPhee. QK98.5.U6 G52 1987
093849130X :$29.95(alternate edtn.) The futurist cookbook /Marinetti ; translated by Suzanne Brill ; edited with an introduction by Lesley Chamberlain. TX723 .M32913 1989
0938491318 (pbk.) :$19.95(alternate edtn.) The futurist cookbook /Marinetti ; translated by Suzanne Brill ; edited with an introduction by Lesley Chamberlain. TX723 .M32913 1989
0941676110 :NT$220.00(alternate edtn.) Dian xin zhuan ji =Chinese snacks, revised /bian zhu zhe Huang Shuhui. TX740 .H78 1989
0941676218 :NT$400.00(alternate edtn.) Pan shi jing xuan /zuo zhe Huang Shuhui ; fan yi Lai Yanzhen ; wen gao xie zhu Qiu Chengzi ... [et al.] ; zhao xiang Daye Xian = Great garnishes / author, Huang Su-Huei ; translator, Yen-Jen Lai ; collaborators, Cheng-Tzu Chiu ... [et al.] ; photographers, Aki Ohno. TX740.5 .H83 1990
Lucien Front End to Tyrannio