12. Gareth

"Gleep!"??? What hell is "Gleep!"??? Zor wondered. He pulled his hand out of his pants (after checking just one more time that everything was still intact and in working order, that's all) and tried to roll over...

He did that just fine, but then he had a hard time stopping.

He found himself quite amazed at the fact that he seemed, for all intensive purposes, to be flying! Only at the moment he really wasn't getting anywhere except really really dizzy. He flailed his arms trying to get some sense of balance back into this latest weirdness his life had become.

Darcy was slowly backing away from some sort of really disgusting, well let's just say it, skeevey creature that seemed to be utterly twitterpated with her at the moment.

"Oooh, you just look SO scrumptious! I just wanna lick your earlobes and nibble under your toenails for all eternity!" the skeevey one was saying.

Darcy did not appear to want to participate in anything of the sort. Zor found himself getting a serious case of the willies just thinking about it at all.

He finally managed to stop spinning but was left lying on his back... well, sort of, as much as one could be said to be lying on their back when floating four feet off the ground anyway. So he just did the first thing that came to mind... he started doing the backstroke.

Skeeve continued to woo fair Darcy with "Mmmm. And I bet your belly button is just to die for! Say, would you mind too terribly much if I nuzzled it just for a week or so? I REALLY like nuzzling belly buttons! Mmmm!"

Aahz took his face from his hands and said "Now, Skeeve. Just calm down. Please, try to show some decorum..." which was exactly whem he abrubtly fell down.

Zor, now crazily windmilling his arms in an effort to save Darcy, had managed to not only disarm Aahz by grabbing his sabre as one of his randomly swinging arms just happened to get lucky on it's way by, but also managed to knock said Aahz senseless on that same arm's next pass. After which, Zor was quite surprised to see, either a very large and ugly dog or just a small green dragon (?!!) jump over to lick his victim's snout. He wasted no time trying to figure it out. None of this was making any damned sense ayway.

He reached Darcy just ahead of the lovesick, and seriously skeevey lookin one and...

What? He didn't have a clue as to what the heck to do here! It was as if some huge brain-blinding force had just cut him off from "reality" all together! (No pun intended.) And no matter how he racked he brains he couldn't think of a single thing... about anything!

And it was at that precise moment that an unbelievably huge block of stone fell from the sky and with uncanny accuracy squished the skeevey one flatter than a cheap Diner's pancake.

Darcy just looked at Zor and said: "Writer's block, it'll get ya every time."

"Gleep!" replied Gleep.

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13. Peter

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