Topical Architecture

To help connect opotential customers with appropriate product and service suppliers, MecklerWeb will be partitioned into broad domains of topical professional and avocational interest such as law, manufacturing, medicine, arts, technology, education, and the environment. These large domains will be further divided into more specific sub-domains. For instance, the medical arana might be partitioned into more focused areas dealing with cardiology, gerontology, pharmacology and so on. A company will be able to position itself within any number of appropriate domain areas, thus achieving highly effective market presence with respect to various well defined online demographic groupings. A special Business-to-Business domain will showcase value-added services to MecklerWeb clients and prospects.

MecklerWeb domains will be hosted by professional associations or institutions non-competitive with the corporate sponsors likely to opt for representation there. By sharing substantial revenues with these groups, MecklerWeb will leverage their knowledge of specific subject areas, as well as their knowledge about commercial organizations in that field. Many such associations have existing relationships with companies attempting to reach markets they represent. These relationships will assist MecklerWeb in attracting corporate sponsors

Corporate Content/Corporate Presence

Direct Sales


Strategic Allies

Confirmed Participants to Date

Pricing and Availability

Last Updated 6/1/94.

Comments, suggestions, complaints can be addressed to: WCB.

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