The Kitchen Center for Digital Music, Performance Art, and Video is where Mike Coble worked for a couple of years in 1994. Located in Chelsea New York, The Kitchen is a great place to meet emerging artists before they get famous. Examples include Nam Jun Paik (who filled the Guggenheim with Video Art in 2000), Laurie Anderson, The Talking Heads, Eric Bogosian, and Phil Glass, among many others. |
A colleague who worked at Pathfinder.com at AOL Time Warner back in 1995 created Ghostsites of the web, a website that shows the ghosts of websites that grew up in the heady days of the .com heydays, and met their untimely demise, or simply continued to exist without ever being worked on. |
Ghost City, an artist website with a kaleidoscope of windows, activity and interesting uses of internet technology. |
The Istanbul Museum, an assortment of incredibly talented tricksters using the internet to have fun. |
Leon Moussche, a designer working in Macromedia Flash, and showcasing a variety of works including some nifty tee-shirts. |
If Thine Eye Offends Thee, photography from around the world. |
The Museum of Computer Art, a site that proclaims itself to be "one of the most heavily-trafficked, comprehensive, frequently-updated and respected computer art museums on the Web" |
The Pathfinder Museum, something that is worth a chuckle if you remember www.pathfinder.com. |
Atom Films, a website of short films on the internet. |
Cinema Bulbo, animated shorts of Bulbo, a cartoon character. |
Graform International, the winner of the 2001 MacWorld Digital Art Contest. |
Dave Philip's, a site with lots of links for folks interested in developing computer music, such as Mike Coble's computer music. |
Cinema Volte, a friend's site that offers computer music, and other internet diversions. |
Literary Kicks, Levi Asher's renowned website features beat writers. |
Sergio Maltagliati's NetOpera and other various internet sound works. |
Tone Factory, Audio and Visual environments. A collection of computer music and videos. |