For archival purposes, I file everything by the year it had its world premiere. Many of these films will have been commercially released in the U.S. a year or two later, so my lists won’t always match up with other folks’ lists.
Films I haven’t yet rated on that scale are
marked with if I
currently think they belong in my top ten. These films are subject to
being shifted around or yanked altogether at any moment, after I revisit
them and they get a numeral.
Seen but currently unrated (and not
presumptively among my top 10):American Job (C. Smith);
The American President (Reiner); Angels and Insects (Haas);
Anne Frank Remembered (Blair); Antonia's Line (Gorris);
Art for Teachers of Children (Montgomery); Augustin
(Fontaine); An Awfully Big Adventure (Newell); The
Babysitter (Ferland); Bang (Ash); The Basketball
Diaries (Kalvert); Batman Forever (Schumacher); Beyond
Rangoon (Boorman); The Blue Villa (Robbe-Grillet & De Clercq);
Blush (Li); Braveheart (Gibson); The Bridges of Madison
County (Eastwood); Brothers in Trouble (Prasad); The
Brothers McMullen (Burns); Butterfly Kiss (Winterbottom);
Bye-Bye (Dridi); Carrington (Hampton); The Celluloid
Closet (Epstein & Friedman); Cinema of Unease (Neill & Rymer);
Circle of Friends (O'Connor); The City of Lost Children
(Jeunet & Caro); Clockers (S. Lee); Cold Comfort Farm
(Schlesinger); Cold Fever (Fridriksson); The Convent (De
Oliveira); Copycat (Amiel); Cry, the Beloved Country
(Roodt); Dead Presidents (Hughes Brothers); Denise Calls Up
(Salwen); Desolation Angels (McCann); Desperado
(Rodriguez); Die Hard With a Vengeance (McTiernan); Don Juan
DeMarco (Leven); Don't Forget You're Going to Die (Beauvois);
The Doom Generation (Araki); Dust of Life (Bouchareh);
Eden Valley (no director credited); The Englishman Who Went up
a Hill but Came Down a Mountain (Monger); Flamenco (Saura);
The Flower of My Secret (Almodóvar); Forgotten
Silver (Jackson); Frankie Starlight (Lindsay-Hogg); French
Twist (Balasko); Funny Bones (Chelsom); The Gate of
Heavenly Peace (Hinton & Gordon); Georgia (Grosbard); Get
Shorty (Sonnenfeld); Good Men, Good Women (Hou);
Guantanamera (Gutiérrez Alea & Carlos Tabio); Guimba the
Tyrant (Sissoko); Habit (Fessenden); Heavy (Mangold);
Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam (Broomfield); How to Make an
American Quilt (Moorhouse); I Can't Sleep (Denis);
Institute Benjamenta, or This Dream People Call Human Life
(Brothers Quay); The Keeper (Brewster; Keïta! The
Voice of the Griot (Kouyaté); Kids (Clark); The
King of Masks (Wu); Kiss of Death (Schroeder); Le
Garçu (Pialat); Les Misérables (Lelouch); A
Little Princess (Cuarón); Living in Oblivion
(DiCillo); Lotto Land (Rubino); Lumière and Company
(various); Maborosi (Kore-eda); Mallrats (K. Smith);
Man of the Year (Shafer); Margaret's Museum (Ransen);
Miami Rhapsody (Frankel); A Midwinter's Tale (Branagh);
Mighty Aphrodite (Allen); Mondo (Gatlif); A Mongolian
Tale (Xie); Mouth to Mouth (Gómez Pereira); Murder
in the First (Rocco); The Muslim (Khotinenko); My Mother's
Courage (Verhoeven); Nelly & Monsieur Arnaud (Sautet); New
Jersey Drive (Gomez); Nico Icon (Ofteringer); Nixon
(Stone); Nobody Will Speak of Us When We're Dead (Díaz
Yanes); Notes From Underground (Walkow); Nueba Yol
(Muñiz); On the Beat (Ning); Othello (Parker);
Palookaville (Taylor); A Personal Journey With Martin Scorsese
Through American Movies (Scorsese & Wilson); Persuasion
(Michell); Pride and Prejudice (Langton); The Prophecy
(Widen); Reckless (René); Rendezvous in Paris
(Rohmer); Rob Roy (Caton-Jones); Screamers (Duguay);
Sense and Sensibility (A. Lee); Shanghai Triad (Zhang);
A Single Girl (Jacquot); A Single Spark (Park);
Sixteen-Oh-Sixty (Mainardi); Small Wonders (Miller);
Someone Else's America (Paskaljevic); Sonic Outlaws
(Baldwin); Sweet Nothing (Winick); Synthetic Pleasures (I.
Lee); Target (Ray); Ten Benny (Bross); To Have (Or
Not) (Masson); Total Eclipse (Holland); Troublesome Creek:
A Midwestern (Jordan & Ascher); Two Bits (Foley); Two
Deaths (Roeg); Ulysses' Gaze (Angelopoulos); Under the
Domim Tree (Cohen); Underneath (Soderbergh); Unzipped
(Keeve); Up/Down/Fragile (Rivette); Waati (Cissé);
Welcome to the Dollhouse (Solondz); When I Close My Eyes
(Iwai); While You Were Sleeping (Turteltaub); The White
Balloon (Panahi); Wild Bill (Hill); The Young Poisoner's
Handbook (Ross)
As yet unseen:Deseret (Benning);
Salaam Cinema (Makhmalbaf); Tokyo Fist (Tsukamoto)