For archival purposes, I file everything by the year
it had its world premiere. Many of these films will have been
commercially released in the U.S. a year or two later, so my lists
won’t always match up with other folks’ lists.
Films I haven’t yet rated on that scale are
marked with if I
currently think they belong in my top ten. These films are subject to
being shifted around or yanked altogether at any moment, after I revisit
them and they get a numeral.
Seen but currently unrated (and not
presumptively among my top 10):Absolute Power (Eastwood);
Afterglow (Rudolph); Air Force One (Petersen); The
Alarmist (Dunsky); Amistad (Spielberg); Anastasia
(Bluth & Goldman); As Good as It Gets (Brooks); The
Assignment (Duguay); Austin Powers: International Man of
Mystery (Roach); Belly Up (Brant); The Best Man
(Avati); Beverly Hills Ninja (Dugan); The Big One (Moore);
Black & White & Red All Over (D. Davis & McCoy & Streeter);
Booty Call (Pollack); The Borrowers (Hewitt); The
Boxer (Sheridan); Brother (Balabanov); A Brother...
(Verheyde); Buddy (Thompson); The Butcher Boy (Jordan);
Buttoners (Zelenka); Career Girls (Leigh); The
Chambermaid on the Titanic (Luna); Character (Van Diem);
Children of Heaven (Majidi); Chinese Box (Wang); Con
Air (West); Conspiracy Theory (Donner); Contact
(Zemeckis); Cop Land (Mangold); Deconstructing Harry
(Allen); The Designated Mourner (Hare); Destiny
(Chahine); The Devil's Advocate (Hackford); Don King: Only in
America (Herzfeld); Dry Cleaning (Fontaine); East Side
Story (Ranga); The Edge (Tamahori); Face Down
(Eberhardt); FairyTale—A True Story (Sturridge); Family
Name (Alston); Fathers' Day (Reitman); The Fifth
Element (Besson); Four Days in September (Barreto); 4
Little Girls (Lee); A Friend of the Deceased (Krishtofovich);
From Today Until Tomorrow (Huillet & Straub); Gadjo dilo
(Gatlif); Gattaca (Niccol); Genealogies of a Crime (Ruiz);
Gesche's Poison (Von Waldenfels); G.I. Jane (Scott);
Good Will Hunting (Van Sant); Gravesend (Stabile);
GRIDLOCK'd (Curtis Hall); Grind (Kentis); Gummo
(Korine); A Gun, a Car, a Blonde (Ames); Hav Plenty
(Cherot); Hercules (Musker & Clements); Hoodlum (Duke);
The House of Yes (Waters); How I Spent My Summer Vacation
(Fisher); Hugo Pool (Downey); Hurricane Streets (Freeman);
I Love You, Don't Touch Me! (J. Davis); I Went Down
(Breathnach); In & Out (Oz); Inside/Out (Tregenza); Jane
Eyre (Young); John Grisham's The Rainmaker (Coppola); Junk
Mail (Sletaune); Kiss or Kill (Bennett); Kitchen (Yim);
Kitchen Party (Burns); La vie de Jésus (Dumont);
Licensed to Kill (Dong); A Life Less Ordinary (Boyle);
The Locusts (Kelley); The Long Way Home (Harris); Love!
Valour! Compassion! (Mantello); The Lucky Star (Franco); Ma
vie en rose (Berliner); Marius and Jeannette
(Guédiguian); Martín (Hache) (Aristarain); The
Matchmaker (Joffe); Men With Guns (Sayles); A Merry War
(Bierman); Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (Eastwood);
The Mirror (Panahi); Mr. Jealousy (Baumbach); Mojo
(Butterworth); Moon Over Broadway (Pennebaker & Hegedus); Mrs
Brown (Madden); Mrs Dalloway (Gorris); Murder at 1600
(Little); Murmur of Youth (Lin); My Son the Fanatic
(Prasad); Nowhere (Araki); Obsession (Sehr); The
Odyssey (Konchalovsky); One Night Stand (Figgis); Open Your
Eyes (Amenábar); Oscar and Lucinda (Armstrong); The
Other Shore (Cabrera); Perfect Blue (Kon); The Perfect
Circle (Kenovic); Post Coitum (Roüan); Private
Parts (Thomas); Public Housing (Wiseman); A Queer Story
(Shu); The Real Blonde (DiCillo); Red Corner (Avnet);
Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (Mirkin); Rough
Riders (Milius); The Second Civil War (Dante); Secrets of
the Heart (Armendáriz); Seven Years in Tibet (Annaud);
Seventh Heaven (Jacquot); Shadow Conspiracy (Cosmatos);
She's So Lovely (Cassavetes); Shooting Fish (Schwartz);
Smilla's Sense of Snow (August); Soul in the Hole
(Gardner); Speed 2: Cruise Control (De Bont); Squeeze
(Patton-Spruill); Star Maps (Arteta); The Sticky Fingers of
Time (Brougher); Suicide Kings (O'Fallon); Sunday
(Nossiter); Suzaku (Kawase); Telling Lies in America
(Ferland); The Thief (Chukhrai); Thirteen (Williams);
Too Much Sleep (Maquiling); Trouble on the Corner
(Madison); Truth Or Consequences, N.M. (Sutherland);
Turbulence (Butler); TwentyFourSeven (Meadows); Twin
Town (Allen); U Turn (Stone); Ulee's Gold (Nunez);
Under the Skin (Adler); Unmade Beds (Barker); Voyage to
the Beginning of the World (De Oliveira); Waco: The Rules of
Engagement (Gazecki); Washington Square (Holland);
Wednesday (Kossakovsky); Welcome to Sarajevo
(Winterbottom); The Well (Lang); Western (Poirier); Who
Is Henry Jaglom? (Rubin & Workman); Who the Hell Is Juliette?
(Marcovich); The Wings of the Dove (Softley); Winter
Sleepers (Tykwer); The Witman Boys (Szász); Xiao
Wu (Jia); Year of the Horse (Jarmusch)