5BBC - New York's Five Borough Bicycle Club


September - October 2005

About Bicycletter

Bicycletter September-October 2005
Volume 15 • Issue 5

Editor: Peter Engel
Graphic designers (PDF/print edition): Jane O’Wyatt & Brian Hoberman
Website design: Jim Zisfein

Bicycletter is a bimonthly publication of the Five Borough Bicycle Club, with offices at 891 Amsterdam Avenue, Room 002, New York, NY 10025-4403.

Submissions to Bicycletter are encouraged: on CDs or 3.5” disks accompanied by hard copy; or by e-mail to newsletter@5BBC.org. Please limit articles to 800 words. Classified ads are free to members. The deadline for submissions to Bicycletter is the first Friday of the month prior to the issue. The deadline for submissions for the November-December 2005 issue is Friday, October 7, 2005.

The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the 5BBC.

© 2005 Five Borough Bicycle Club.
All rights reserved.