Local NYC Links Spotlight

This is a page of local links featuring pages that are new, interesting and recent discoveries or productions, worthy of taking note (IMHO).

Metropolis Studios

The uptown video facility has put up exemplary pages to promote their services.

The Museum of Television & Radio

The museum now offers access to information about its collection and programs on the web.

Stiegelbauer Associates

Many years ago, I knew this shop in its incarnation as NBC Scenic Services. Now, an independent with a huge space in the Brookyn Navy Yard, it still builds for Saturday Night Live and Another World. They have one of the better large vacuform machines in town and a computer-controlled router table and 4-color "translight-like" computer graphics printer.

The Set Shop

The long-time favorite supplier to still photographers, featuring expendibles, backdrops and even set construction. Their new pages are exemplary of what the Web can do for local retailers.

The JV III Shop @ Keystone

My own experiment in a construction shop for scenery pre-builds for jobs too small to run thru a conventional scene shop. A rental catalog of scenic elements is attached.

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Jim Jenkins ... e-mail to: jviii@panix.com
Revision: 8-14-96