CPCUG Robotics SIG - Books of Interest

3 recent books by O'Reilly Publications are:
"Programming LEGO Mindstorms with JAVA" by G. Ferrari and several others
"Jin Sato's LEGO Mindstorms - The Master's Technique"
"Joe Nagata's LEGO Mindstorm Idea Book"

Marty Shinko received a copy these 3 books from O'Reilly, and they are available to be reviewed. The reviews would be published in articles in the CPCUG's Monitor magazine.

If you would like to participate in writing a review of any of these books, or would just like to look them over or borrow them, send Marty an e-mail message and he'll bring them to a meeting of the CPCUG Robotics SIG.

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Content of this page is maintained by Marty Shinko

If you have information or links for other resources that you would like to have added to this page, or if you have corrections or other editing requests or suggestions, please send an e-mail message with your text or suggestions in plain text to Marty Shinko. Please do not send attachments or *.DOC files or photos or image files.

2004-SEP-22 (22IX04)