Password Generator

   Passwords must meet the contradictory goals of being long enough for safety and short enough to remember. Outside an organization with its own rules, judgement becomes important.
   This generator uses random numbers to create a fresh set of 15 eight character passwords each time it is invoked. An eight character password with numbers and mixed case lettering has 2.2x1014 combinations of value.
   A password with all letters of the same case has 1/77th as many combinations, or about 2,800 billion. That is still a challenge to hack. The math of hacking into a system with randomly generated passwords is astronomical.

  PybqJ2Ls      tGv2nY5c      RUxqvA9S
  TmpetwHo      Ja5its1G      v614hSTU
  d4n2HOxC      TgdyB2di      d6fOvwhk
  nIvc5uvk      3IvcPGbK      3aLIjmdS
  tGNEpmTc      jGBe1Utg      V27snAZy

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