Jeff & Lorree's
Review Page
Wines under $15.00/bottle make up the bulk of our wine drinking. They are
the everyday vins de table that we buy at the local store and drink with
meals. Since we drink wine with almost every dinner, expensive wines would
rapidly ruin us. We, therefore, have a vested interest in finding good, but
inexpensive wines. When we find a wine we like, it also pays for us to
keep track of it. Rather than simply keep the notes to ourselves, in the
spirit of free flow of information, we decided to do so here, so others could
share our discoveries.
We will try to give our impressions of the nose of the wine, the taste, and
our overall impression. The ratings are roughly 1-10, with anything above
a 4 being drinkable.
With respect to nose and taste, any flavors mentioned are very slight. They
are hints of flavors rather than full flavors. To me (Jeff) at least, wine
smells and tastes predominately like wine, with just bare fringes of
other flavors. So just because we say "peppery" doesn't mean that it tastes
like pepper, rather it means that there is something about the flavor that
reminds us of pepper. As with so many things, your mileage may vary.
For a much better discussion of this sort of thing, I highly recommend
the Wine Spectator web-site.
Let us also get our biases out in the open. We like reds. That means the
vast majority of the reviews will be of red wines. That said, let's begin!
Simply click on the buttons for the wines you are interested in and
a page with the reviews will appear. Select as many wines as you like
and the reviews will appear on the same page. Sorry, no search capability.
Maybe later.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Ancient Cookery
Jeff Berry
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Last Update 6/9/98