Quipu 8 is the November 1997 issue of a personalzine by Vicki Rosenzweig, published on no particular schedule. This is Tesseract Press/Snapshot publication #443 and is copyright 1997 by Vicki Rosenzweig as freeware; permission is hereby granted to reprint it in any amateur/not-for-profit publication provided it's credited and dated and I'm sent a copy. (Web users are welcome to link to this page; for other online use, please contact me.) All rights to letters of comment and artwork are hereby returned to the contributors. I live at 33 Indian Road, 6-R, New York, NY 10034 USA (across from a pocket of salt marsh, and not too far from the subway), and can also be reached at vr@interport.net.
Quipu is available for the fannish usual (defined here as trade, letter of comment, or contribution of artwork, but check first if you want to send me art), in return for interesting feathers, or by editorial whim. Sample copies free on request (though I won't refuse a SASE).
A week in the Pacific Northwest: Portland--including Orycon--Seattle, and a lot of walking.
The decline and fall of one of my favorite catalogs.
Running for TAFF means having to present myself in 100 words or less.
Once again, I've included a letter column.
To the previous issue.
Back to my home page.
Copyright 1997 Vicki Rosenzweig; last modified 24 November 1997.