65015415 Esquire party book,by the editors of Esquire magazine, with Scotty and Ronnie Welch. Illustrated and designed by Seymour Chwast. TX731 .E8
72174218 Kaiseki: Zen tastes in Japanese cooking.Foreword by Yasunari Kawabata. Introductions by S�oshitsu Sen [and] Seiz�o Hayashiya. Photos. by Muneori Kuzunishi [and] Yoshihiro Matsuda. Adapted by Akiko Sugawara. TX724.5.J3 T7713
73006726 A book of Middle Eastern food.Illustrated by Alta Ann Parkins. TX725.N36 R6 1974
73086144 Tassajara cooking.Introd. by Richard Baker-roshi. TX837 .B86 1973
74005312 The classic of tea.Translated and introduced by Francis Ross Carpenter and illustrated by Demi Hitz. TX415 .L813
75010772 Joy of cooking /Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker ; illustrated by Ginnie Hofmann and Ikki Matsumoto. TX715 .R75 1975
75039785 The classic Italian cook book :the art of Italian cooking and the Italian art of eating /Marcella Hazan ; drawings by George Koizumi. TX723 .H34 1976
75043312 Food in Chinese culture :anthropological and historical perspectives /edited by K.C. Chang ; contributors, Eugene N. Anderson ... [et al.]. GT2853.C6 F66
77008938 Chinese gastronomy /by Hsiang Ju Lin and Tsuifeng Lin ; with an introd. by Lin Yutang. TX724.5.C5 L55 1977
77027323 A field guide to edible wild plants of Eastern and Central North America /by Lee Peterson ; line drawings by Lee Peterson and Roger Tory Peterson ; photos. by Lee Peterson. QK98.5.U6 P47
77168851 Cosmo cookery; gourmet meals from the first drink to the last kiss. TX715 .C849
79011070 Alice, let's eat :further adventures of a happy eater /Calvin Trillin. TX737 .T74 1979
79066244 Japanese cooking :a simple art /Shizuo Tsuji, with the assistance of Mary Sutherland ; with an introd. by M. F. K. Fisher. TX724.5.J3 T836
80023103 The Indonesian kitchen /[compiled by] Copeland Marks with Mintari Soeharjo. TX724.5.I5 I56 1981
81003179 The spice box :vegetarian Indian cookbook /by Manju Shivraj Singh ; edited by Edna Z. Michael. TX724.5.I4 S496 1981
82016355 Mythology & meatballs :a Greek island diary cookbook /by Daniel Spoerri ; translated by Emmett Williams ; illustrated by Jeanne Jambu ; notes by Charles Perry ; introduction by L. John Harris. TX723.5.G8 S6613 1982
82016415 The new kosher-cookbook trilogy /by Ruth and Bob Grossman. TX724 .G75 1985
82019517 Third helpings /Calvin Trillin. TX357 .T7 1983
83014535 The eater's guide to Chinese characters /James D. McCawley. TX350 .M3 1984
84014315 The Chinese banquet cookbook =[Chung-kuo yen hsi shu] /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo ; drawings by Lauren Jarrett ; calligraphy by San Yan Wong. TX724.5.C5 L5944 1985
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