A book of Middle Eastern food.Illustrated by Alta Ann Parkins. TX725.N36 R6 1974
The book of miso :savory, high-protein seasoning /William Shurtleff & Akiko Aoyagi ; illustrated by Akiko Aoyagi. TX819.M57 S58 1983
Bruce Cost's Asian ingredients :buying and cooking the staple foods of China, Japan, and Southeast Asia ; foreword by Alice Waters. TX724.5.A1 C67 1988
Bruculinu, America :remembrances of Sicilian-American Brooklyn, told in stories and recipes /Vincent Schiavelli. TX723.2.S55 S3497 1998
Burmese cooking. TX724.5.B93 T35 1993
The Burmese kitchen /Copeland Marks and Aung Thein. TX724.5.B93 M37 1994
The Cambridge world history of food /editors, Kenneth F. Kiple, Kriemhild Cone� Ornelas. TX353 .C255 2000
Charlie Trotter's /recipes by Charlie Trotter ; photography by Tim Turner ; wine notes by Joseph Spellman, Ren�e-Nicole Kubin, Patricia Mowen. TX714 .T77 1994
Charlie Trotter's cook book TX714 .T77 1994
Charlie Trotter's vegetables /recipes by Charlie Trotter ; photograph by Tim Turner ; wine notes by Joseph Spellman. TX801 .T74 1996
China's food :a traveler's guide to the best restaurants, dumpling stalls, teahouses, and markets in China /Nina Simonds ; photographs by Don Rose. TX907.5.C6 S56 1990
The Chinese art of tea /John Blofeld. GT2907.C6 B58 1985
The Chinese banquet cookbook =[Chung-kuo yen hsi shu] /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo ; drawings by Lauren Jarrett ; calligraphy by San Yan Wong. TX724.5.C5 L5944 1985
The Chinese food lover's guide /Ginger Chang and Stephen Nathanson. TX641 C44 1987
Chinese gastronomy /by Hsiang Ju Lin and Tsuifeng Lin ; with an introd. by Lin Yutang. TX724.5.C5 L55 1977
Chinese seasons /Nina Simonds. TX724.5.C5 S589 1986
Chinese snacks, revised. TX740 .H78 1989
The Chinese way :healthy low-fat cooking from China's regions = Chung-kuo ti ch`� hsing chien k`ang ti chih shih p`u /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo ; calligraphy by San Yan Wong. TX724.5.C5 L59443 1997
Chopsticks! :an owner's manual /Hashi-San ; illustrations by Michael Hoffmann. GT2949 .H37 1991
Chung-kuo ti ch`� hsing chien k`ang ti chih shih p`u TX724.5.C5 L59443 1997
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