Boston : Beacon Press,c1997. Through the kitchen window :women explore the intimate meanings of food and cooking /edited by Arlene Voski Avakian. TX355.5 .T47 1997
Boston : Beacon Press,c1998. If I can cook, you know God can /Ntozake Shange ; foreword by Vertamae Grosvenor. TX715 .S526 1998
San Francisco : Bedford Arts,c1989. The futurist cookbook /Marinetti ; translated by Suzanne Brill ; edited with an introduction by Lesley Chamberlain. TX723 .M32913 1989
Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill,[1975] Joy of cooking /Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker ; illustrated by Ginnie Hofmann and Ikki Matsumoto. TX715 .R75 1975
New York : C. Potter,c1991. Thai vegetarian cooking /Vatcharin Bhumichitr. TX724.5.T5 V38 1991
New York : Cambridge University Press,2000. The Cambridge world history of food /editors, Kenneth F. Kiple, Kriemhild Cone� Ornelas. TX353 .C255 2000
Caldwell, Idaho : Caxton Printers,1991. Basque cooking and lore /by Darcy Williamson ; illustrations by Shannon Dee and Kathleen Petersen ; cover artwork by Larry Milligan ; cover design by Teresa Sales. TX723.5.B3 W55 1991
Boston : Charles E. Tuttle,c1994. A Taoist cookbook :with meditations taken from the Laozi Daode Jing /by Michael Saso. TX724.5.C5 S27 1994
San Francisco : Chronicle Books,c1993. The best of Burmese cooking :under the golden pagoda /Aung Aung Taik ; design and illustrations by Clare Kossman. TX724.5.B93 T35 1993
San Francisco : Chronicle Books,c1993. The Korean kitchen :classic recipes from the land of the morning calm /by Copeland Marks with Manjo Kim. TX724.5.K65 M37 1993
San Francisco : Chronicle Books,c1995. Patricia Unterman's food lover's guide to San Francisco /photographs by Barbara Lucas. TX907.C22 S3673 1995
New York : Collier Books,c1990. The art of eating /M.F.K. Fisher ; with an introduction by Clifton Fadiman and an appreciation by James A. Beard. TX633 .F515 1990
Berkeley, CA : Conari Press,c1991. Chopsticks! :an owner's manual /Hashi-San ; illustrations by Michael Hoffmann. GT2949 .H37 1991
[New York] Cosmopolitan Books[c1971] Cosmo cookery; gourmet meals from the first drink to the last kiss. TX715 .C849
Trumansburg, NY : Crossing Press,c1981. The spice box :vegetarian Indian cookbook /by Manju Shivraj Singh ; edited by Edna Z. Michael. TX724.5.I4 S496 1981
New York : Crown Publishers,1989, c1988. Food in history /Reay Tannahill. GT2850 .T34 1989
New York : Crown Trade Paperbacks,c1993. The life and cuisine of Elvis Presley /David Adler. TX715.2.S68 A34 1993
New York : Crown,c1985. The Chinese banquet cookbook =[Chung-kuo yen hsi shu] /Eileen Yin-Fei Lo ; drawings by Lauren Jarrett ; calligraphy by San Yan Wong. TX724.5.C5 L5944 1985
New York : D.I. Fine Books,c1996. Copeland Marks' Indian & Chinese cooking from the Himalayan Rim. TX724.5.I4 M342 1996
Distributed by Random House,1996. With the grain /Raymond Sokolov. TX808 .S66 1996
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