10. Nancy

"Damn it all to Hell," Darcy mumbled to herself. No, on second thought, that would probably be too good an outcome for all this. Then she did not have any time left to talk, or even to think . She found herself suddenly turning to the left and kicking the guy coming at her. ( she was a warrior princess, remember?) Then he wasn't coming at her. Then someone, or something, was charging her from the left, and she felt the air send signals that something was about to whack her in the back of the skull. She ducked, turned, honestly she wasn't sure what she did, she just let instincts take over and she seemed to be getting out of this.

Wait, where was Zor?? And why was it that lately she kept finding herself thinking that same sentence, even when he was supposed to be standing beside her? She looked around between ducking again and doing some kind of fancy twist throw thing to knock three guys off her back, and saw him standing at the back of the tent,jumping up and down and hollering something. Could he have found a toilet all the way out here, out in the middle of nowhere? She hoped they ended up someplace where she could get a drink, a shower; and that the thing had a way to keep the lid from falling down. The only way to find out would be to work her way over to where Zor was, and find out what he was screaming. She jumped over a longblade that was aimed at her knees,and then rolled to avoid the throwing knives aimed at her left ear.

Suddenly there was a blast of cold air.

Everyone in the tent froze.


"Wait, wait! Hold on, I have a Sahara Club membership card!" In the silence that accompanied the fighters frozen state, Darcy could finally hear what Zor was screaming. "What in the name of all the gods was he thinking?" she wondered as she plummeted toward the floor. One moment Darcy had been flying over a chair, arms swinging to keep her momentum going, and now here she was, plummeting toward the floor. Luckily, there was a pile of deep plush pillows 2 feet away... She closed her eyes and hoped to make it that far.

Oof. somehow, no matter how long you have been a warrior princess, you never got used to a hard fall, even if it was on a pile of pillows. She turned her head. Hmmm, she could move that. She shrugged her shoulders, twisted her wrists and wiggled her toes. Seems the fall had knocked the frost off, and she was fully functional. Surreptitiously, she looked around to find Zor. He was still jumping up and down. Not even the hard frost had stopped him. Her mind took a quick turn , and wondered what they could do with all that energy, if they ever got out of here...

But no, she needed to concentrate and figure a way out of this.

"I SAID, Hey-- I have a Sahara Club Card!" Zor's voice tore through the room, and a large--person--strode across the tent and ripped a green card out of Zor's hands. "This is a Sierra Club card, not the Sahara Club, you idiot." the --person-- said with a gravely, but intense voice. Darcy slapped her forehead with her hand. It was an old habit, something she had done forever without thinking, and she was good at it.This time, in the silence of the tent, the noise of it rang out and the --person--turned and quickly zoned in on her.

Darcy had about enough time to wonder why all the other fighters in the tent were still flat on their backs, and she and Zor seemed to have recovered quickly. Maybe, they were not on earth after all. Then she was staring at a pair of dusty desert boots. They were that dusty color everything takes on after it has been in the desert long enough. See could see where the sole on the left boot had been re-glued on. Not a very good job, they could probably use some good crafts people around here. The boots were only laced half-way up in a style that reminded Darcy of that old 90's grunge style."Oh, please tell me that we haven't landed someplace where grunge is cool," Darcy thought to herself. Just as she was about to look up and see what was beyond the boots, she felt herself being lifted straight off the floor. And she remembered that she never did get any of that water.

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11. Shawna

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