9. Rob

Darcy was glad they were invisible but realized the men must be able to hear them. She cautioned Zor to be quiet as they ran away from danger.

He is dazed. Life has been spinning out of control ever since he found that bargain flight from planet Ken. Don't take this wrong, He is very glad to be gone from planet Ken.

Darcy can see the confusion on Zor's face. First piece of business is to get out of danger though. As they slowly, quietly make their way away from the men in the jeeps He is thinking of all the things that have happened to them in the past few days.

Darcy is wracking her brain; what to do, what to do. Now she's wishing she had paid closer attention in cgi programming class.

The captain realized they are invisible and barked out "Quiet everyone!", "listen closely and find them now!". The jeeps and other activity stopped instantly. They knew heads would roll if they didn't find these two.

Darcy is still trying to figure out where they are. As they creep quietly away, she's looking for landmarks to try to figure out what part of the universe they're in. They understand the language fine but, since that was standardized a couple of centuries ago it hasn't been a big problem.

Darcy is grateful that they are in the desert, the sand is quiet to walk on. It's pretty easy to stay away from the quasi soldiers that are wandering around, listening and trying to find them. She begins to move toward a large sign that is near some large tents. It must be the headquarters of this group.

When they got close enough to the sign they saw it said "Sahara Club, annual meeting".

Hmmmm [thought Darcy]

This must be some sort of environmental group.

Her best guess is they must be on earth. She could see that Zor is still pretty confused, she motioned to him that they should move out, away from the tents.

He is beginning to get more of his memory back now. He remembers that his name was originally Zor. So, Darcy isn't calling out some other guys name, that's good.

When they got out into the desert away from the tents Darcy began to fill Zor in on a few things that she experienced. Zor's eyes popped a bit when she described the physical changes she went through on the planet Barbie. While Zor became traumatically biologically incorrect, Darcy was built like Barbie. Zor was sorry that he'd missed that but, he was very happy they were reunited.

As the two of them were bonding they realized they were hot and thirsty. Gosh, they are out here in the desert. There isn't anything around them except those whaco environmentalists. They were acting pretty strange for environmentalists too. Racing across the desert wiping out the few plants there. They'd never experienced anything like that before.

As much as they wanted to get away from there they knew their only hope is to return to the camp and find food and water. After planning a strategy and hand signals the began to move into camp. Luckily many of the club members were still out searching for them.

They carefully worked their way around the guards and into a tent. There were several people in here so, they moved into the next tent. Seems all of the tents are occupied. If they want to quench their thirst they're going to have to risk getting caught.

Darcy carefully picks up a water bottle. Just then someone saw the levitated bottle and screamed out "They're right here in the tent!!!"

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10. Nancy

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