The Opportunity

The demand for Internet service is unprecedented. Both individuals and corporations are getting connected to the global net faster than to any other form of online service. The reason is obvious: this is the largest, most comprehensive information and communications resource on the planet today.

Unlike proprietary commercial services, it knows no artifical boundaries based on captive customer bases. The potential benefits are enormous for businesses able to achieve an effective presence in this arena. However, the obstacles to achieving such a presence have been equally large. MecklerWeb aims to break that impasse.

The constitution of the Internet user community is rapidly changing from its traditional roots in high-tech firms and academic institutions toward a far more heterogeneous community representative of the population at large. As this transition accelerates, the tools and services the Internet offers are keeping pace with the needs of these new demographic profiles.

Once the sole province of the Unix proficient, the Internet today hosts a broad array of multimedia resources. Innovative point-and-shoot World Wide Web software - such as Mosaic and Cello - can retrieve and present typeset documents, full-color graphics, sound files, even video clips. With the commercial availability of greater bandwidth options and falling prices for such connectivity, the Internet is drawing a huge new audience. This influx has been greatly aided by intensive press coverage extending far beyond the technical and trade media.

Topical Architecture

Corporate Content/Corporate Presence

Direct Sales


Strategic Allies

Confirmed Participants to Date

Pricing and Availability

Last Updated 6/1/94.

Comments, suggestions, complaints can be addressed to: WCB.

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