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January - February 2005 5BBC Executive Board MinutesNovember 2, 2004Members in Attendance. Jesse Brown, Robert Castro, Ed Defreitas, Peter Engel, Alfredo Garcia, Phil Goldberg, Barry Hartglass, Brian Hoberman, Danny Lieberman, Andrea Mercado, Ed Pino, Jim Zisfein, David Seto, and Ira Najowitz, Wentworth Price. Ted Kushner was present at the request of the Board. 2004 Montauk Century Final Report. Special Events Coordinator Wentworth Price submitted a written report to the 5BBC Board on the 2004 Montauk Century. With 1,122 registered riders, it had the largest number of participants in the ride’s history. Riders paid an average of $53, a $3 reduction from 2003. Registrants were 66% male, 34% female. The average age of riders was 40, up from 37 in 2003. According to the report, 5BBC members accounted for 17% of registered riders. Other highlights: 18% of riders chose the 140-mile route, 42% the 100-miler, 34% the 65-miler, 6% were undecided. 91% registered online, 2% registered offline (more than double last year’s figure) and 7% signed up on tour day, almost triple 2003 Advanced souvenir sales included 94 jerseys, 95 polo shirts, and 74 people selected advanced shipping. 70% of registrants requested the free bandana Lawsuit. President Ed Pino reported that the lawsuit filed by a Recycle-A-Bike member injured prior to the 2001 Montauk Century may go to discovery. The Club is fully insured in the remote possibility that any blame is attributed to the 5BBC. Facilities. Ed Pino has spoken several times with executive director Pam Tice of BIKE NEW YORK about plans to share Room 103 at NY-AYH at 891 Amsterdam Avenue. The room is suitable for 5BBC Board Meetings. 5BBC General Meetings will have to be elsewhere, or paid for with Club funds. An additional room on the first floor of AYH may shortly become available. The 5BBC still needs to find a location other than AYH for the 2005 Montauk Century. Non-5BBC Pictures on Club Website. All Board members agreed that Webmaster Jim Zisfein would have discretion to post pictures to www.5BBC.org of Club members participating in non-5BBC events. The first example of this policy is a picture of 5BBC ride leader John Chiarella being interviewed by WINS-AM news reporter Steve Kastenbaum during the October 29 Critical Mass ride. Bicycle Repair. Barry Hartglass reported that the October 6th repair class had 11 attendees. The class, led by Neil Cook, had two 5BBC ride leaders in attendance and the Club gained 3 new members following. Treasurer’s Report. Robert Castro confirmed that the 2004 Montauk Century yielded a net profit of $7,600. These gains subsidized core activities which showed a net loss of $4,000. Bicycle Repair courses have also shown profits during 2004, while 5BBC Weekend Trips showed a loss due to cancellations. Finally, there are approximately $800 in unclaimed leader incentive awards. As a result, they will be credited back as contributions. Weekend Trip Insurance. Robert Castro and Barry Hartglass are in the midst of research and investigation to find a more comprehensive insurance policy for 5BBC Weekend Trips. Bike Rack Updating. Incoming 2005 Weekend Trips Coordinator Ted Kushner has conducted preliminary research to update the bicycle racks currently used on weekend trips. These racks are nearing 30 years of age and the 5BBC needs alternatives. The Board discussed such options as hiring an additional cargo van for Weekend Trips that carries bicycles, and follows a 15-passenger van. Kushner will continue to investigate. |