5BBC - New York's Five Borough Bicycle Club


July - August 2005

Daytripper Column

The enduring cold Spring has finally faded and Summer has finally arrived! Our summer calendar is full of fun rides for you to enjoy that warm weather. We now have those longer rides along with our signature Bicycle Beach Bum and Borough Perimeter series rides. Longer rides will take you farther out west, north, and east. Leader extraordinaire Richard Sanford has presented us with two new of his own special brand of urban rides. We have more rides to more beaches with visits to Long Beach and Bayville to complement our traditional series of sunday rides to the rockaways. Two classic rides, the Pizza and Ice Cream survey rides make a return this season along with the reprise of the popular Chocolate ride.

The Bicycle Beach Bum series will run as before from the main entrance to Prospect Park at Grand Army Plaza each Sunday. The last ride, on Sunday, August 28th, will conclude with a special party. Precise details will be posted on 5bbc.org and also sent to members in the weekly email in August.

Once again I want to hear from you, our members and ride trippers. What rides do you like? What do you want more of? What about our rides need improvement? We’ve tried to provide something for everyone in all of our programs including day rides, and your feedback counts. Email me at daytrips@5bbc.org with your questions, comments, and suggestions. Thanks!

Danny Lieberman
Day Trips Coordinator