The Red Guide to Temp Agencies

Review of Leafstone

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1156 6th Avenue
New York, NY

Total time with agency:
5 years

Wait for first assignment:
2 Weeks

Average wait between assignments:

Last five jobs:
Job Title Length Client Hourly Wage Typical of agency?
Technical_Writer 1 Years Columbia University 17 Y
Secretary/WP 3 Months UBS Warburg Y

Tests given:
MS Word, MS Excel, Powerpoint, typing

Payroll policies:
On-site time sheet pickup:
Direct deposit of payroll checks: Y
Free check cashing at agency's bank:

Medical insurance: Y
Dental insurance:
Paid vacation: Y
Transportation allowance:
Entertainment allowance:
Matching contributions:

I actually registered with Leafstone twice -- once in 1999 and once in 2002. Back in 1999, I was assigned a couple of routine places before being placed with UBS Warburg, for a temporary position in one of the investment banking divisions. I actually was convinced by the client into going permanent with them (a move that I was reluctant to make back then; I work in the theater and like the freedom, but theater work was slim back then for me). I stayed with that position for 2 and a half years, until cutbacks at UBS sent me off.

After concentrating more on theater, I signed back up with Leafstone again, and within a month was sent on the best temp assignment I've ever had. They took the time to interview me more thoroughly this time than before; when they heard I had done a lot of research and writing, I can only assume the concentrated on finding me a position related to that, and I ended up as the assistant to the editor of an alumni magazine at Columbia. The hours and pay weren't great (3 days a week at only $17 an hour), but that was not Leafstone's fault, that was all the position could offer. (I had to share time with a work-study, I think), but it's a supervisor here I've developed a wonderful rapport with. (The only reason I have to leave is because the university has a cap on how long a temp can serve.)

I've recommended Leafstone to two other people over the course of time, and both have found quick work.

Leafstone also supported me in an interesting crisis -- I have my health insurance through Actors' Equity, and a recent paperwork snafu threatened to cancel my insurance. I called Leafstone to ask about their health benefits, and the person I spoke to explained it a bit, and then said, "well, let me send you the information we have on it." I received that information within only two days.

Unfortunately, they seem to be in a bit of a dry patch right now, but they've been very good for me before.



Tue Jul 8 17:02:48 EST 2003

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