Happy Birthday Cori!!!

Drat. Now she's only 1 year younger than me again. I have to wait a whole 10 months to make fun of her for being a youngster when, for that brief and shining period, I am a 2 years older than her. Happy

Birth Announcement - Welcome Jackson Rhys Hefler

Congratulations to my cousins Maren and Jonathan Hefler who brought my new cousin, Jackson, into the world today.

Born at 10am. Ain't he a cutie?

No Movie Tonight

It's raining. If it stops, they might still show the Monday night movie, but we won't be there to sit in the mud.

Tuesday is the raindate, but the park as very poor drainage, so we won't be there either. A shame to miss
The Sting, but what can you do. Have a good week everyone.

Dancing inmates.

I don't have much to say about this, other than, WOW!

IMAP mail works right on iPhone

One of the issues that I mentioned earlier was that the iPhone didn't access the subfolders of my inbox on my IMAP mail server. It turns out that there is a way to fix this.

In the mail settings, after clicking (tapping?) on the account in question, there is an advanced option where I needed to put in "INBOX" as my IMAP prefix.

Works perfectly. Thanks to superg on
MacOSXHints.com for this tip.

iPhone: The Music Video on YouTube...

iPhone: The Musical

From the New York Times.

Recognize anyone?

Monday night movies going strong. (Only a little about the iPhone here...)

Last night was Paper Moon at Bryant Park. It was a great time. Here are a few pics taken from the iPhone. More pics here...

Incidentally, under heavy usage in the park, the iPhone went from full charge to 20% battery warning in about 5 hours.

News appearance.

Since I was part of the big iPhone release on Friday, I was interviewed a few times. Some family and friends spotted me on NBC news on Friday Night and then there was this...

iPhones Arrive

Correction: Yet another iPhone post.

It seems like the iPhone implementation is better than I thought. I just had a bad audio file that was distorting the sound. It's still a little faster than the original iPod's speeded up setting, enough that you can tell it's speeded up, but it's not distorted.

Also, the iPhone doesn't like smartplaylists as much as the iPod did. On my iPod, I had a playlist of "unheard audiobooks" that items would disappear from as I listened to them. On the iPhone, they don't disappear until after a sync.

These are minor points. Don't get me wrong. The iPhone is the greatest piece of technology I have ever owned, and i love it. But I still like to comment on the issues that I find.

More on iPhone.

Some other things I have noticed.

1. There is no search feature. If you want to find a contact, you have to scroll to them. If you want to call your friend, JJ, for example, you better remember that his real name is actually Sam (JJ) Smith before you try, cause there is no way to find JJ. Even if you put JJ into the Nickname field, the autofill addresses of SMS don't find it.

2. While the iPhone does support speeded up playback of Audiobooks, the implementation is flawed. On the iPod, the speeded up playback sounded perfect. If you didn't know it was speeded up, you would just think the speakers were speaking quickly. The iPhone's faster setting plays back the sound a little faster than the iPod's on the same setting, but the sound is very distorted. Still understandable, but not very pleasant. I'll try to sample some sounds in the next few days, to illustrate.